Friday, September 02, 2005

How come the ACLU and anarachists aren't in New Orleans?

Watching New Orleans crumble into lawlessness is truly sad. It makes me glad to know that I purchased my shotgun. In a disaster on biblical proportions it's obvious the government can't protect you or your property. The San Francisco Bay area is going to have a catastrophic earthquake, not "if" but when. My wife Christel and I decided to upgrade all our provisions in case an earthquake does hit. I'd suggest you do the same. Ya never know. Here's some suggestions to my looney neighbors. To you "anarchists" why not rush into New Orleans. It's gotta be your dream situation. No law, no government and no rules. But I doubt these phony, misguided, idiots wouldn't even want to be near New Orleans. It would be all bad "no Starbucks and can't watch Jackass" on MTV forget that sh^t. Next, forget the National Guard. Send in an army of ACLU lawyers. Maybe they can go around and ask the victims if they thought they were victimized by President Bush's Global Warming policies? They could also go around and put signs in front of good liberals houses that are still standing. Signs like "This house protected by love and good intentions." or "A gun has never fed a hungry child." I wonder if these misunderstood looters would pass them over because of their big hearts?

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