Thursday, August 25, 2005

The people you meet...

Peter wanted me to post about my experience when I went to the post office to send a package to our Soldier. I was standing in a very long line, trying to juggle my purse, the custom forms and the box which weighed about 27 lbs. There was an older gentleman standing behind me wearing a Vietnam Vet hat who offered to hold the box for me. He noticed that the address was an APO and inquired if I was sending stuff to my brother. I told him that the person was not my blood brother but brother by heart. I told him about Soldier's Angels and the work they do. I also thanked him for his service. He patted me on my head like I was a lil girl and said that was the nicest thing anyone has said to him in a long time. We kept talking as we stood in the slowest moving line ever!! I commented that I wondered how much it would cost to send the box because it was so heavy. My turn came up next and i jokingly said "48 dollars? do you know how much stuff i can buy with $48?". The gentleman ended up being at the cashier right next to me and turned to my cashier and said "i'l like to pay $20 toward the shipping please". I told him I was kidding and that I couldn't allow him to pay. He then said "lil lady, please let me do this and tell your soldier i said "Quartermasters Lead The Way". Hell, I couldn't say no then. As we were leaving he said "thank you for supporting our soldiers". I almost cried right there in the lobby of the post office!!! Least to say, this put a smile on my face, hope it put one on yours too

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story! I send out flat rate boxes every week to different people from as well as to my 'regulars'. The guys at my PO are almost all ex-military and have been just terrific. They order extra boxes just for me and usually open another window as soon as they see me arrive. Many people there have asked who/why about the boxes and it is a great way to get the word out about the soldiers that I support and where I find them. It's nice to read about someone else who shares my experiences and gets the same joy from it.